What is OurHerd?
How does OurHerd help young Australians?
What is the vision for OurHerd?
Who is the target audience for OurHerd?
How long has OurHerd been running?
Who has paid for OurHerd?
How can I access OurHerd?
Can I access mental health support through OurHerd?
Is OurHerd free to use?
Can I use OurHerd anonymously?
Is OurHerd safe to use?
What do other young people think of OurHerd?
What information does OurHerd collect about me?
Who is that information shared with and why?
Who owns your story?
Who will see my story?
Will I get paid for sharing my story?
What version am I using?
How does OurHerd meet national healthcare standards? 
Click here for additional information about OurHerd!